Our warehouse

Are you ready to store your items
in one of our secure boxes in Monaco? Contact us
How can I rent a storage box in Monaco?


It's simple to rent a box! We complete the rental documentation in a few minutes after you select the box that best meets your needs. There will be a deposit required. We accept electronic payments. You'll also be requested to show your ID card.


You'll have access to your personal storage box in Monaco in a matter of minutes!

Safety at Monte Carlo SELF STORAGE is essential!

Only you hold the key to ensure maximum protection for the furniture and goods stored in your box. An access badge or a personal access code is required to gain access to the premises. All of our facilities are videotaped 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and are constantly monitored. Our security service performs night checks as well.

As a result, your belongings are safely stored near you in Monaco!